Crack the Gender Code in the Interview
Crack the Gender Code in the Interview
I read a fabulous article by Muriel Vega in Pink Magazine online about how men take credit more easily for their accomplishments and often see negotiation as a sport. In the end this often gets them higher pay rates.

Connie Glaser, a communications expert and author of Gender Talk Works: 7 Steps for Cracking the Gender Code at Work has some very specific advice for women about how to stand out at work and distinguish yourself, especially during an interview.

In these tough economic times, it’s simply not enough to just do good work and expect superiors to recognize your accomplishments. You must sell yourself, toot your own horn, and gain recognition amongst your colleagues with self promotion.

Here are some spot-on tips for interview success from Connie Glaser:

Make a Royal Entrance. Walk into an interview with confidence and purpose to establish your credibility. Avoid the urge to fiddle with your papers, outfit, or hair. Sitting still and assuming a confident posture establishes a commanding presence.

Know Yourself. Have your stories ready to go and be ready to answer the perennial “Tell Me about Yourself” question with examples of your accomplishments. Take credit for your success and what you have earned professionally. Women tend to talk about how their team made it happen – while men take more individual ownership in the interview. Remember, they are not hiring the team for the position.

Know the Job. When the interviewer turns the table and asks if you have any questions you must have several at-the-ready. Do your research ahead of time so you know enough about the company and the industry to develop thoughtful and strategic questions.

Watch your Smile. Smiling is encouraged and creates a bond with the interviewer and also indicates that you are relaxed and confident. But over smiling and excessive head bobbing can undermine your seriousness and give the impression of being little girlish.

Google Your Interviewer. This due diligence is a must and can empower you with information about their position in the company and beyond. You may unearth that you share the same alma mater which can serve as a bond during the interview. But be careful not to reveal all the details you discovered online – there is a fine line between being well researched and being a stalker.

Know your Worth and Negotiate! Men tend to approach negotiation as sport while women see it as a point of conflict and shy away from it. Do your research and find out what the industry standard salary range is for the position so you are in the know when it comes time for an offer. Remember, many things are negotiable in addition to salary like: flex time, work hours, parking, and vacation time. So, be prepared because it never hurts to ask.