Company Overview
We've spent the last 20 years helping thousands of colleges and universities spend less time collecting data and more time learning from it. Our experience has enabled us to develop innovative technologies that empower institutions to support meaningful assessment practices and use better data to improve learning.

Our approach isn’t full of jargon or just about the numbers. People are at the center of everything we do. While we believe the right technology and better data can empower better learning—we know technology and data are only part of the equation. We empower institutions to engage educators and learners with better data to demonstrate and improve institutional effectiveness, program quality, and student learning.

We’re on a mission to put better data into the hands of learners and educators everywhere and empower them to make the connections and insights that will lead to meaningful improvement.

Watermark was launched in 2018 with a vision to empower better learning at institutions across the U.S. and beyond. The organization was formed following the merger of Taskstream, Tk20, and LiveText — three of the leading providers of assessment management technology in the industry — in 2017. Digital Measures and EvaluationKIT are the newest members of the Watermark family and are united in our mission to advance educational intelligence by developing innovative technology you can trust.

Company Summary
Watermark Insights LLC
Number of Employees
(212) 868-2700
220 East Buffalo Street
#Floor 5
Milwaukee, WI