The Ten Deadly Sins of Career Development
1. Phobia – Whether it is fear of failure or fear of success, this psychological obstacle is the number one reason clients do not reach their goals. FEAR is really an illusion that stands for False, Evidence Appearing Real.

We choose safety over self-actualization because we fear the unknown and the ambiguity of the future. Fear is a test of commitment and a way to focus your attention on answering the question: “Is this what I really want?” When you risk, you loosen your hold on what you're certain of and you reach for something which you're not sure of, but you believe is better than what you have. Facing our fears means we step outside our comfort zone and grow the most professionally.

Conquering your fear means training yourself to be emotionally fit. Fear is merely a state of mind when thoughts run wild. If you control your thoughts, you can control your destiny. Acknowledge the fear, then confront it by erasing the tape of negative self-talk with positive thoughts then only obsess about those positive thoughts. Avoid all self-doubting thoughts which turn into self-doubting language and then self-sabotage. Often we are the ones holding us back. Find a way to get out of the way such as saying positive affirmations that motivate you. Without fear, there is no courage.

2. Pessimism – Attitude determines altitude. Where you go in life is really up to you. A poor attitude creates excuses and rationalizations that don’t serve you. Call a friend to be your career cheerleader if you need some positive attitude readjustment. Hope is critical for accomplishing your objectives. Don’t believe the negative lies you keep telling yourself. Kill all the negative automatic negative thoughts that clutter your mind. Replace them with the ideal outcome.

3. No Passion – You can’t enjoy your career if you don’t feel enthusiastic about it. Be clear as to what you want. Unclear goals only yield unclear results. If you obsess about success you will bring about success. You will overcome fear when you fixate on what you feel the most passionate about. Your vision is the promise of the career you truly want.

4. Poor Self-Esteem – Lack of confidence and faith are deal breakers. Don’t beat yourself up. Reach out to others to avoid the downward spiral of isolationism and depression. Speak with a therapist that you want on your dream team.

5. Poor Planning – Failure to plan is really planning to fail. Prior planning prevents piss-poor performance. Make sure your objectives are specific, measureable, action-oriented, realistic and time sensitive. Stick to a realistic plan that helps you avoid distractions. Disorganization can hider your search. Plan your work, and then work your plan.

6. Perfectionism – Idealization can often lead to “analysis paralysis.” This is where your internal dialog continues to speak in conflicting messages between wants and needs and prevents you from taking action. Resist the temptation to over-think your decision-making process. Differentiate between your short-term objectives and your long-term goals.

7. Procrastination – Whatever you resist persists. Remember “someday” is not a day of the week. Your progress should be incremental not monumental. Ask yourself, “What small sacrifices can I make to get me closer to my career goals?” Seek help to get yourself jump started and then develop a technique to keep moving ahead. Making a job or career change is a process that takes time and effort. You can overcome indecision by just taking the first step – make it a baby step.

8. Passivity – It is the choices you make and the actions you take that determine your success. Your career is either by chance or by choice. Ask yourself, “How many hours a week am I devoting to my job search?” Follow through will be a critical skill. You will not climb to the top of your career by being lazy. “Championship thinking” will rid you of inertia.

9. Poor Discipline – A lack of discipline will only drive you to distraction. If you are considering too many options, your brain will get overwhelmed and shut down any decision-making. Without staying hyper-focused on your core purpose, you will be doing mere tasks that are non-priorities. Discipline means controlling the impulse to try something new and exciting before completing the old. People who focus on one thing at a time tend to be more productive and happier at work. Avoid the temptation to get sidetracked. Be decisive, driven and determined. .

10. Poor Persistence – You can’t have a comeback unless you have a setback. You may need to accept a back-up plan, but in the long-term never give up on your dreams. Keep the picture of what you want in the forefront of your mind. You will want to have a persevering mentality without being stubborn or close-minded. Stay tenacious about your target.

© 2010, Dr. Thomas J. Denham, Careers In Transition LLC