Telephone Tips and Following-Up
After applying for a position, the follow–up is often overlooked in the job search. Master the process with these pointers:

1. Prepare Before Calling - Know the main purposes of follow-up calls: 1) to reiterate your interest in the position and desire for an interview, 2) to restate your key points and 3) to obtain an update on your status. A resume will not get you hired; only an interview can.

2. Practice Overcoming Phone Phobia - Typically, about 10% of candidates ever follow-up because they are: 1) terrified of calling and asking for a meeting, 2) too busy and forget, 3) fearful of rejection, and or 4) unclear about what to say. A phone script will guide you and prevent a loss of words. Include in your script: 1) who you’re calling, 2) who referred you, 3) why you’re calling, 4) why you’re qualified, and 5) why an interview is mutually beneficial. Practice with a professional.

3. Pick Up the Phone - Ten days to two weeks after sending your resume and cover letter, it’s time to pick up the phone. Be prepared for the unexpected when someone answers; your call might just turn into a phone interview. A company’s first impression from your call is just as critical as the first impression they get from an in-person interview.

4. Persist with Polite Professionalism - “I sent them my resume and cover letter. If they want me, they’ll call,” is a common job search myth. Busy employers often don’t make you a priority and expect you to follow-up, and perhaps more than once, as a test of your diligence. If they agreed to get back to you and you don’t hear from them, then politely contact them AGAIN to check on the process. Appropriate follow-up will enhance your reputation as reliable, organized, serious, responsive and interested. Tenacious candidates don’t give up; they persist in calling every 10 days to 2 weeks.

Return all calls within 24 hours. Companies assume you’re not interested if they don’t hear from you. If someone calls you, answer the phone within three rings and let your first words be an enthusiastic “Hello.” Answering machines should have a professional sounding recording. Be assertive to reach your goal of a face-to-face meeting.

5. Perfect the Right Words - What do you say when someone answers? If possible, name drop a referral in your opening line thereby lending credibility to your call. For example, “After speaking with Mr. X, he suggested I contact you concerning my interest in…” Make sure you sound professional and confident, courteous, respectful, and enthusiastic to the person with whom you are speaking. The mark you make is based on your articulation skills and your voice tone. Leave out the “ums” when speaking if there is a pause in the dialog.

6. Pen Some Notes & Listen Carefully - Have a pen and paper near the phone, some water, your phone script, questions to ask and your resume. While on the phone, get a sense the hiring process and avoid multitasking or other distractions such as the radio, TV, music or family.

7. Phase Out the Call - Stick to the purpose of your call, keep it short, say what needs to be said and move on! Before ending, thank the person and repeat any actions that need to be taken such as providing references. In addition, ask when they hope to make a hiring decision. If you have set up an interview, confirm the date, time, location and names of the people you will be meeting, before hanging up. After the call, write down how you felt regarding the conversation.

8. Pass Pot Holes & Roadblocks - The support staff can become your best ally or your worst nightmare. If it’s difficult getting past the gatekeeper, consider calling before nine, after five, or during lunch. With voice mails, state enthusiastically and articulately why you are right for the position. E-mail also provides a written communication record.

9. Phone After Interviewing - After interviewing and sending your thank you note, give a follow-up call. If you fail to hear from them, don’t lose hope because filling a vacancy is a time consuming process that often takes longer than expected. In the meantime, contact your references and let them know what to expect. Since no position is a guarantee until an offer has been made and accepted, continue to interview and send out resumes. If you still have not heard from them, continue to be in touch until you get a satisfactory answer. Don’t take rejection personally; move forward with faith not fear.

10. Provide Progress to Your Referrals - Follow-up calls accelerate your job search, and provide quick and valuable feedback on the quality of your search. After obtaining an interview from a connection, contact and thank the referral source, update them on your progress, and reiterate your interest in obtaining additional referrals. How well you speak on the phone is an example of how well you have developed your communication skills. The more prompt you are with follow-up, the more likely people are willing to give you more leads. An increased number of leads turn into increased interviews and offers.

Tom’s Tip: Avoid fouling-up by using quality follow-up.

© 2009, Dr. Thomas J. Denham, Careers In Transition LLC